How to keep your blog up and running

If you’re like me, the idea of starting a blog is daunting. You’ve got thousands of ideas rattling around in your head, but how do you know which ones are worth sharing? What if they don’t get enough reader engagement? How do I make sure my site stays up and running every day?

If you’re interested in learning how to keep your blog up and running smoothly, read on! I’ll cover topics from choosing a writing routine that works for you to testing headlines with experiments like Coschedule Headline Analyzer (CSA). By following these tips—and using some tools along the way—you’ll be able to create content safely and efficiently without having to reinvent the wheel every time.”

how to regularly update a blog

Choose a writing routine that works for you.

You can choose your writing routine based on your own preferences. Maybe you like to write in the morning, or maybe you prefer to write at night. Maybe you like to set aside time every day for writing, or maybe it’s better if that happens when inspiration strikes. Maybe one of these options works better than another for keeping up with blogging and maintaining an active audience on social media—but whatever works best for YOU is what matters most here!

Here are some other options worth considering:

  • Write only when inspiration strikes (and not beforehand)
  • Write in different places throughout the day—your bedroom; coffee shop; home office; etc., wherever feels most comfortable and inspiring at any given moment

Decide on your post topics before you write.

Before you start writing, it’s important to know what you want to write about.

  • Choose a topic that will be interesting to your readers.
  • Choose a topic that interests you and makes sense for your audience.
  • Choose a topic that can be written consistently over time (like blog posts).

Know your audience and where to reach them.

  • Know your audience.
  • Know where your audience is.
  • Know what they want, and how you can provide it to them in a unique way that no one else can do better than you.

Find your niche and stay true to it.

Before you start writing, define your niche. Don’t overreach. Don’t write about everything and anything. You don’t need to cover every topic that’s out there—but if you’re going to narrow down what you’re writing about, do so with care.

Here are some questions to ask yourself when defining your content:

  • What topics am I passionate about? Do I have a lot of experience in those fields? If not, how can I make them up?
  • Where is the gap between what people want from me and what they actually get from my blog? How can I bridge this gap by providing value-added content that’s different from what everyone else is doing (but still relevant)?

Create content in batches.

You can use a content calendar and a content planning template to help you plan your posts. A good way to keep track of what you’ve written is by using an editorial calendar, like this one from Buffer.

You’ll also want to include the date and time in each post so that readers know when they’re reading something new—and this will help them stay interested in your blog!

Keep a running list of ideas.

Keeping a list of topics is an excellent way to keep your blog running. It helps you stay focused and organized, and gives you a place to store the ideas that come to mind when it’s time to write. Think of it as a kind of brain dump: Instead of storing notes on your phone or computer, jot them down in this notebook so they’re easy for you (and other people) to access later.

If this sounds daunting, don’t worry—it’s not as scary as it seems! All you have to do is make sure each topic has its own dedicated page in the notebook; then organize those pages by date instead of alphabetically (so if one idea comes up again later on, there won’t be any confusion). You can also create sub-headings within each main heading so that everything looks neat and tidy without having too much clutter lying around everywhere else on paper/screen–just remember not too many though because otherwise things might get messy quickly!

Test, research, and A/B test headlines with experiments

Headlines are the first thing that people see when they land on your blog. They’re also the last thing they see before they leave, as well as what floats above other posts in their feeds. So if you have an average headline, it could be a problem for your readership and traffic—and more importantly, it could be damaging to your brand identity (or worse still, it might just make people think you’re not very good at writing).

When it comes to choosing a good headline for your blog post or article, there are several things that should go into consideration:

  • The content itself needs to be relevant so that people will want to click through and read more about it.
  • It should be catchy enough not only grab attention but also encourage engagement with other users who may also want information on this topic area too!

Use the right keywords to attract readers organically.

First, use the right keywords in your blog posts. This will help you rank for those keywords, which is important if you want to attract readers organically.

  • Keywords in your blog post titles: Use at least two or three relevant terms (e.g., “how-to”). You can also include other words that are related to the topic but not specific enough to be found on Google or Bing (e.g., “best practices”). But keep it simple—don’t use more than five words in a title!
  • Keywords in your blog post meta descriptions: Write a short summary of what people will learn from reading this post (1-3 sentences) using at least one keyword phrase from each section below (1). Then add links back to where they came from when applicable so users know where they can find more information related specifically  to their needs and interests

Use a blog management service or blog writer.

If you’re serious about your business, it’s important to have a blog. A good blog can help you build followers and attract new clients. But that doesn’t mean you need to spend hours writing each day or learning how to code for WordPress (and those are both things I recommend).

You can use a blog management service like ours to manage your site automatically—all while giving yourself time away from being on Facebook so that other parts of life don’t suffer! These services will also help with SEO optimization and analytics tracking so that when someone comes across your website via search engines like Google or Bing, they’ll see something useful instead of just another generic page containing nothing but links back into Google itself!


I hope that this guide has helped you to understand how your blog can be the best it can be. Remember that it is important to keep your blog updated, and to stay on top of any changes in technology or industry. If you need more help with maintenance, I am here to assist! Please use the contact form to drop me a line. Thanks!

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About the author: Ankit Kumar

Ankit Kumar is a copywriter and content strategist with more than nine years of experience. He has helped companies ranging from small startups to large corporations, improve their content and gear up their business. When he is not writing, he is either traversing through the hikes of nature or hanging out with friends.