How to write a mission statement for a business

The mission statement for a business depicts not only the character of a company, but what the company desires to achieve.

What is a mission Statement?

how to write a mission statement for a business

A mission statement defines the objectives of a business and how does the business plan to pursue them. A mission statement can be seen collateral to the mission in defense services.

It clearly defines what you need to achieve and what tools and resources are you going to use to attain your objective.

A mission statement can mean the difference in bagging in clients. Large and well established companies, always have a clear mission statement. That’s because they are working at the highest authoritative level in their industry. And, they should present themselves as one.

Difference between a mission and vision statement?

A mission statement describes the objectives of a business. What the business strives for and what it wants to achieve for its customers and itself.

On the other hand, a vision statement depicts the future perspective of the business.

Like: ‘Where would the business like to see itself in five years‘.

Importance of mission vs vision statement?

A mission statement is effective in communicating the goals of a company to its ongoing clients. Or, people who have either entered into business with the company for the first time. It gives them a clear view to the prospects as well as first time clients about what the company delivers and how its works to achieve its commitment.

A vision statement is more helpful in creating long term relationships. People who are in business with your company for quite some time always like to know, how far can they go in collaboration with your business.

A vision statement defines your long term perspective clearly to your existing customers, and in some cases your clients.

What is the purpose of a mission statement?

A mission statement helps in building authority. Yes, you read that right. A mission statement is a succinct description of what your business does and how committed you are in achieving your goals.

Why do you need a mission statement for your business?

This gives your prospects/customers a sense of credibility and trust towards your business.This makes your business stand out from the crowd. How many businesses online/offline you know, who have a clear mission statement for their business?

Probably a few, but not many. That is the difference. The mission statement for a business tells people how serious and committed you are towards your business and delivering results.

What to write in a mission statement?

Writing a mission statement for your business should have four basic elements:

1. What does your business do?

2. Why does your business do it?

3. How does your business achieve it?

4. What impact, change or results does it show?

That’s it. Four basic points and you are done.

However, it is not as simple as it looks. You have to be careful when writing your mission statement and you should take some tips in to consideration.

Whether your business is related to fashion, photography, food, catering, crafting, construction or anything else out there. These four basic elements are build up the mission statement for a business.

Good mission statement examples

Every big company has a clear mission and vision statement. To give you a taste of some of the best mission statement examples in the market, take a look at the following:

Mission Statement of Apple

“Apple designs Macs, the best personal computers in the world, along with OS X, iLife, iWork and professional software. Apple leads the digital music revolution with its iPods and iTunes online store. Apple has reinvented the mobile phone with its revolutionary iPhone and App store, and is defining the future of mobile media and computing devices with iPad”

Mission Statement of Google.

“Google’s mission is to organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful. Our company has packed a lot into a relatively young life. Since Google was founded in 1998, we’ve grown to serve millions of people around the world”

You can view more mission statement examples here.

These are a couple of examples of the best mission statements from the industry leaders. Focus upon the strengths of your business and analyze what value can you deliver to your customers. These facts combined together make an amazing mission statement for a business.

P.S: You can also take a look at my mission statement writing services. There are collective packages for getting vision and mission statements written at a fair price.

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