11 Tips to Increase E-com Traffic and Sales Higher traffic may translate to higher sales but its not always the case with e-commerce stores. Improving your traffic and sales require careful placement of design and content on your website. Let us break this article in to two parts. One part will talk about improving...
No Traffic on E-commerce site? Here’s the Reason. Setting up an e-commerce store can be done with minimal effort these days. There are a lot of platforms which help people in setting up their e-commerce stores. All within a matter of minutes. But what does an average e-commerce store owner do? He/she adds some...
Product Description and SEO- Improve your e-commerce traffic. What is the relation between a product description and SEO? This question has baffled a lot of e-commerce entrepreneurs who are struggling with their stores to sell their first product. Setting up an e-commerce store is very easy these days. With services like shopify, setting...